Course curriculum
[ONLINE / DIGITAL ONLY] Week 1.... Welcome to Ready to Win in Marriage 12 Weeks Group Coaching Program....Digital Edition!
- Welcome and Introduction
Start Here: Complete the Marriage Inventory & Rate Your Marriage
- Instructions for Marriage Inventory and Rate Your Marriage Exercise
- Marriage Inventory
- Rate your Marriage
- Let's Create Your Marriage Mission Statement
- Marriage Mission Statement
- Establishing Goals for your Marriage
Week 2: What the Health? (Understanding & Analyzing your MES: Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Health Systems and how they are Impacting your Marital Health).
- Understanding & Analyzing your MES teaching video (Secure Attachement)
- Understanding & Analyzing your MES ppt (Secure Attachment)
- Understanding & Analyzing you Mess Quiz (Secure Attachment)
- Identifying Exposure Hierarchy
- Trigger Identification
- Challenging Negative Thought Patterns
- Understanding Your Spouse's Spiritual Belief System
Week 3: Strategize and Implementation in Real Life Scenarios.
- Strategize and Implementation in Real Life Secenarios
- 7 Days of Praying and Fasting
How to exude Forgiveness in my Marriage!
- Forgiveness Activity and Plan of Action
- Gift of an apology
- Biblical-View-of-Self (God sees you and your husband as equals)
Week 4: Root is up, Root it Out! (Child / Adulthood trauma that is Interfering with you Loving and being Loved in your Marriage.
- What is Trauma?
- Trauma Reactions
- Childhood Trauma and how it impacts Romantic Relationships
How to love my unlovable Spouse!
- Teaching Video on Module II - Love
- Module 2 LOVE
- Instructions on how to complete Love Worksheets, Activities, and Exercises
- Love is the Goal
- Expressing Love Worksheets
- Love Languages Worksheet Test
- Five Love Languages
Week 5: Strategize and Implementation in Real Life Scenarios.
- Strategize and Implementation in Real Life Scenarios
Week 6: Emotional Identification, Regulation, and Management. (Learn how to safely express negative emotions in your marriage absent of shame, judgment, and fear of rejection).
- Emotional Identification, Regulation, and Management teaching video
- What is Mindfulness?
- Mindfulness Awareness Skills
- Dear Man Emotional Regulation Implementation Activity
- Managing Unwanted Behaviors
Week 7: Strategize and Implementation in Real Life Scenarios.
- Home Improvement Prayer Journal
- Strategize and Implementation in Real Life Scenarios
Week 8: Identify and Manage Unrealistic and Unspoken Expectations in your Marriage, and Reduce Frustration and Disappointment.
- Teaching Video on Martial Expectations
- Martial Expectations Assignment
More on Managing Expectations in Marriage to include Sex Expectations
- Managing Expectations
- Sex Expectation
Week 9: Strategize and Implementation in Real Life Scenarios.
- Strategize and Implementation in Real Life Scenarios
- Taking responsibility for your part: Writing down your past offenses
Week 10: Learn to Manage and Work through Unsolvable Problems in your Marriage and Implement Alternative Coping Methods and Strategies.
- Week 10: Learn to Manage Perpetual Problems
- Perpetual Problems
- Perpetual-vs.-solvable-Solvable-differences in Marriage
How to extend Grace in Marriage!
- Teaching video on Grace
- Grace Activated Activity!
- Mindfulness
- Teaching Video 2.0 Exercises and Activities Explained
- Shadow Work - Integration of your Shadow
- Enneagram - Analysis of Personality Types
- Enneagram - Personality Types Explained
- Grace Communication (Evaluation)
- Rules of Engagement when Communicating
- Rules of Engagement to Fair Fighting
Week 11: Learn how to Establish Healthy and Consistent Boundaries that Fosters Transparency and Transformation in your Marriage.
- Week 11: Learn How to Establish Healthy Boundaries
- Healthy Boundary Tips
- Boundaries -Discussion Questions
- Setting Healthy Boundaries
- Boundaries Exploration Activity
Godly Submission
- Submission and Servanthood lesson
- Biblical Submission
- Trust Factor - Do you Trust your husband enough to Submit?
- Respect Factor - Do you Respect your Husband enough to Submit to him?
- Submission through Appreciation
Week 12: Continued Resolution Goal Plan and Real Life Application.
- Continued Resolution Goal Plan and Real Life Application
- Hope Convo starters for Continued Resolution Goal Plan and Real Life Application
RTW Exit Interview (Rate Your Marriage and Program Evaluation)
- Rate Your Marriage II
- Program Evaluation
Certificate of Completion
- Certificate of Completion
- Guide on How to Improve Communication and Maximize Intimacy
- Guide on How to Increase Marital Success and Satisfaction through Rules of Engagement
RTW Additional Life & Marriage Growth work Tools
- Couple's Weekly Marriage / Love/ Hope Assessment Worksheet
- Marriage Homework
- NEW ICSR Ice Cream Sundae Relationship
- Biblical Repentance
- Beatitudes-Illustrated
- Bible-Reading-52-weeks
- How to Study the Bible
- Genogram Instructions
- Genogram ppt teaching: Let's Go Deeper!
- Genogram template worksheet
- How to Ground Your Emotions...Grounding Techniques
- Managing Time, Marriage, and Family (Time Management Tips)
- Reducing Negative Thoughts Leaves on Streams Exercise
- Strength Exploration Exercise (Building Internal Happiness and Confidence)
- Affirming Who You Are (Confidence Builder)
- Wilderness Journey (Keys to Unlocking Your Spiritual Freedom)
- Understanding Anger, the secondary Emotion (
- Exploring the Anger Within (Anger Management Workbook)
- Overcoming Rejection ebook
Bonus Training Videos
- How to Strengthen Your C.O.R.E. when your marriage is in jeopardy!
- How to Speak Up and get heard in your Marriage!
- QA 2 hour laser coaching session...Dominating as a wife in the 21st century!
- Understanding the fundamental elements of being married in the 21st century with Rav and Treal Ravenel!
- Don't walk out on your marriage!
- Marriage is about Faith not Feelings... Faith your way through it w/ Rav and Treal Ravenel!
Text & media
If you communicating your true feelings to your husband is challenging and it is easier to avoid an issue than to confront it.
If you need to learn to manage your emotions vs becoming emotionally hi-jacked and overwhelmed.
If you need to identify the rooted issue(s) that cause(s) or contribute(s) to unresolved conflict in your marriage.
If you need to remove barriers and obstacles that are preventing a closer emotional and / or spiritual bond with your husband.
If need to learn how to manage the perpetual (unsolvable) problems in your marriage absent of frustration and anxiety.
If you need to improve communication and maximize intimacy in your marriage.
If you need to experience more fulfillment in your marriage absent of fear, judgement, or embarrassment.
If you need to connect with your husband on a different and more authentic level.
If you need to learn how to make each other a husband a priority vs an option or obligation.
If you are ready to stop blaming one another and work together through mutuality, trust, and reciprocity.
If you are ready to be real with yourself and work on self-reflection and exploration so you can show up differently and better.
If you are ready to eliminate the threat that is preventing a stronger emotional connection, improved communication, and authentic intimacy.
I’m about to share five (5) of my most guarded trade secrets about how to improve communication and maximize intimacy in your marriage.
To put it another way, your current approach has resulted in a less than a thriving marriage.
The Word of God said it best, my people suffers from the lack of knowledge. What you don’t know will hurt you!
Do a fact check, think about how what you didn’t know and how it impacted your marriage in the past. Time out for wondering what is going with your husband or marriage and it is time to gain the skills to foster a meaningful connection and marital intimacy.
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